Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Swap a Cloth history

The first Swap a Cloth happened in Feburary- we were all stoked at the turn out - lots of people from the wider community came along for a day of trading clothes, badge making, sewing and mending and treat eating. Oh, and check out the wicked poster!

In May we held another, in the lead up to winter. Again we had a good turn out and told a few more people what we were up too.. and had a mean dress up session with left over clothes at the end!!

With both events left over clothes went to clothing charities and the funds raised have gone into helping establish future projects.

From the past... the Christmas Dinner

One of the first things the Ak Freespace collective did was have a fundraising dinner leading up to Christmas 2008... it was well attended and all enjoyed a vegan feast followed by a screening of "What would Jesus Buy?" a Reverend Billy and the Church of Not Shopping documentary.